Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

The next step to advance your career.

From browsing your Instagram feed to making a purchase on Amazon, AI plays a significant role in many facets of our daily lives. Even leading figures like Elon Musk are making substantial investments in AI. This highlights the importance of everyone becoming informed about AI. Embrace this opportunity, and your future contributions to the field of AI will be eagerly anticipated by all.

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We’ve crafted this course specifically for you. Make a wise choice for your career by seizing this opportunity. Here’s what you can gain from the course:

  • Familiarize yourself with ML & AI concepts
  • Work on real-world ML & AI projects
  • GAcquire valuable experience in the field

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Starts at just ₹299/-

Choose your price today

Our courses are affordably priced to ensure accessibility for everyone. Each course category covers essential topics, with varying incentives for each. Prices are discounted today. If you need help choosing the right category, please reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Prices may be subject to increase in the future. We encourage you to take advantage of the current rates and secure your course today.

Starter Plan

299 / course

Duration: 15 Days

  • Starts from 15/12/2024.
  • 2 week classes
  • Covers all ML models
  • Course certification
  • Internship
  • Oppurtunity to publish paper in international journal
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Standard Plan

499 / course

Duration: 1 Month

  • Starts from 15/12/2024.
  • 3 weeks classes
  • Covers all ML models
  • Course + intern certification
  • 1 week internship
  • Oppurtunity to publish paper in international journal
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Advanced Plan

999 / course

Duration: 1.5 Months

  • Starts from 15/12/2024.
  • 4 week classes
  • Covers ML + deep NN models
  • Course + intern certification
  • 2 week internship
  • Oppurtunity to publish paper in international journal
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Ultimate Plan

1999 / course

Duration: 2 Months

  • Starts from 15/12/2024.
  • 4 week classes
  • Covers ML + deep NN models
  • Course + intern certification
  • 4 week internship
  • Oppurtunity to publish paper in international journal
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Topics included

These are the topics that are included in our course.

Python basics

Learn how to program in Python. This course will cover all of the essentials of Python programming.

Python libraries

Learn about the different Python libraries and how to use them to implement ML & AI models.

About Artificial Intelligence

Learn about the history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it will impact the future.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Learn about Machine Learning, the various types of it, and how it's applied in the tech industries.

Supervised Learning and Linear regression

Learn about Supervised Learning and the linear regression model working.

Classification models and Logistic regression

Learn about classification models and the working of logistic regression.

Naive Bayes model

Learn how to predict the outcomes using the probablity models like Naive Bayes.

Decision trees and Random forest

Learn how the decision trees and random forest predict the outcome using branching approach.

KNN model

Learn how th KNN model used to predict the outcome using it's nearest neighbours.

Support vector machines

Learn how to classify models using support vector machine model.

Gaussian mixture models

Learn how the gaussian distribution helps us to predict the outcomes.

Unsupervised learning

Learn about unsupervised learning and the numerous models that can be found in this area.

K-means Clustering and dimensional reduction

Learn K-means clustering model and dimensional reduction models like PCA and LDA.

Neural Networks

Now comes the exciting part! Learn about artificial neural networks and how they're used.

Convoluted Neural Networks

Learn how convoluted neural network models are used to classify distinct images.

Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTM

Learn how the training data is re-used to improve the model's performance. Learn how to use this in various situations.

Weakly Supervised Learning

Learn about Weakly Supervised Learning and how to apply it to a variety of data sets.

Reinforcement Learning

Learn about the most advanced AI and machine learning concepts and how the machine learns from its own mistakes.

More about this course will be informed via email after registration.

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